Carton Flow Racks

Span-Track is the leading full-width roller, carton flow track rack provider in the market. It can be added to any new or existing pallet rack for a complete pallet racking solution. is proud to represent Span-Track.

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About Span Track Carton Flow Track rack Systems

Shop Shelving Inc. for versatile and superior carton flow track racks. The span-track is a unique, conveyor-like carton flow track. Span-Track sections can be added to any new or existing pallet rack. This storage system takes advantage of the strength of the rack structure and makes maximum use of rack capacity. You'll love the span track carton flow track rack systems for your storage uses. Order this economical storage solution now.

Low Profile Carton Flow Track systems

Shelving Inc. offers the Span-Track Low Profile Carton Flow Racks for your carton flow rack system. This low profile model installs between beams, saving vertical space. Set up is fast and easy simply place hangers on beams and add the track! Front and Rear Hangers are available for structural beams, formed beams and step beams. Order your low profile carton flow track systems from Shelving Inc. today.

High Profile Carton Flow Racks

High Profile Carton Flow Racks are easy to install onto any pallet rack beam. Track can overhang beams for increased storage space and contouring of racks. Ideal for loose pick applications. High Profile Carton Flow Racks are fully adjustable left, right, front and back. They can even be positioned flush or over hanging. Shop Shelving Inc. for High Profile Carton Flow Racks.