Collection: Pallet Rack Safety Nets, Panels, & Straps

Collection: Pallet Rack Safety Nets, Panels, & Straps

Pallet Rack Safety Netting & Barriers

Protect your employees and inventory with our pallet rack safety panels and nets, which attach to pallet racks to prevent products from falling into aisles. All of our solutions allow full visibility of products and can be fitted to work with your existing warehouse rack system.

Safety Panel Guards & Barriers for Pallet Racks

Designed to affix to warehouse pallet rack frames, these safety guard panels provide a barrier to contain inventory securely and protect employees from accidents and injury. The wire panels are made to overhang on pallet racks by three inches, giving your pallets room to fit on your racking safely behind the barrier while still being protected from accidents or damage.

Safety Netting for Pallet Racks

Warehouse safety netting is an economical and versatile product containment solution. With a load rating up to 2500 lbs, pallet rack nets provide a protective barrier you can count on. These nets have single and multi-bay availability and give you the option for both flush and 3-12” offset installation.

And for even more add-ons to help your pallet racking work harder, check out our pallet rack accessories!

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Pallet Rack Safety Nets, Panels, & Straps

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We don’t just sell stellar shelves. We design custom organized spaces that fit your needs, large or small.

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