Office Organization Tips To Help Boost Efficiency


Don't wait for the seasons to change to organize and clean up your office. You may think you're too busy to set time aside for such a task, but did you ever think that your disorganization may be the main problem? Making an effort to clear clutter and sort through your desk on a regular basis will help increase efficiency year round and get easier each time. Whether it's at home, work, or a communal office, these tips will help ensure that your organization project goes as smoothly and quickly as possible!

1. Clear And Organize Your Computer's Desktop and Inbox


If you use a computer at work, more than likely you save a lot of files and applications. This first task is relatively easy and doesn't require a lot of work, but the payoff is huge. Every extra second spent searching for a specific file to open in a program or attach in an email can add up quickly. Create folders to separate files by type and be sure to delete anything out of date or no longer needed.

Do the same with your Inbox. File anything that needs to be saved in separate folders and delete what doesn't. Scrolling through months and months of e-mails to find just one is time consuming and often frustrating!

2. Give Everything A Deep Cleaning

Well organized office

Take the time to give the entire office a deep cleaning. Clear off your desk and wipe it down before organizing and sweep or vacuum any rugs or mats. Be sure to dust your keyboard and monitor, too!

3. Sort Through Loose Files And Paperwork

Stacks of Paperwork

Now that your desk is spotless, it's time to be sure you don't fill it with clutter again. Sort through your files and paperwork and toss anything no longer needed. If you do not have a file cabinet or shelving unit near your desk, investing in one will make life in your office much easier. Get specific with labels so finding paperwork and other items in the future is as easy as possible.

4. Create Zones

Man working at desk

Establish where specific tasks in your office are completed and what is needed for those tasks to get done. Be sure everything needed is nearby and neatly organized. This may seem obvious, but re-assessing what makes the most sense or trying a new layout could make a big difference.

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