Behold, the humble locker. Always there when we need them to hold our coats, our duffel bags, and everything we take with us. And yet, surprisingly enough, not enough thought is given to their usage, design, and placement when it comes time to pick lockers for your business, organization, or clubhouse.
Not all storage lockers are made equal - there’s different materials, sizes, and designs to consider that can all provide different benefits and uses for your employees and guests. If you’re considering some lockers for your business, here’s a few things to keep in mind when you’re out shopping for lockers:
Where Is It Going To Be Used?
This is probably the best first step to take, as determining location will inform your choices in construction, material, and size. Are your lockers being used to hold bulky gym bags and workout equipment in a gym or clubhouse, or are they going to go in the front of your workplace to hang onto your employees’ jacket and personal belongings? Figure out where the lockers are going to go and how much space you have to work with before you commit to a certain type or size of locker - you might find yourself changing your plans!
What Design Of Locker Do You Need?
Once you figure out where the lockers are going, now would be a good time to determine what kind of lockers you’re going to need. Industrial settings would benefit more from rustproof lockers or specialized equipment lockers, whereas athletic facilities could employ clubhouse lockers to better fit their size requirements and aesthetics thanks to their wood designs. Not all lockers can fit all settings and meet all needs, and it’s important to keep these differences in mind. Speaking of needs…
Who Will Be Using These Lockers?
It’s always important to keep the needs of your intended audience in mind, because if you buy the wrong lockers what good are they? If you want to set up lockers for your employees, try to talk to them first to see what items they’ll typically be keeping with them (coats, belongings, etc) to get an idea of what you’ll need to accommodate with these lockers. If you’re providing lockers for an athletic facility, take stock of what activities your facility offers and what your guests often bring with them (tennis rackets, workout gear) to make sure you can provide adequate storage for whatever they need - otherwise, they may just start working out at home, and that’s not what we want, right?